
Adanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design​

This qualification reflects the role of an individual working as a senior civil work designer or a para-professional designer, who supports professional engineers.
They are responsible for the design of complex projects to ensure the implementation of the client’s site requirements and are required to demonstrate self-directed application of theoretical and technical knowledge and initiate solutions to technical problems or management requirements.

CRICOS Code: 114555F

Duration: 101 weeks (80 weeks study + 21 weeks breaks)

Introduction to Civil Construction Design

Nadia Macoritto, trainer of the Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design, provides an overview of what you can expect from the course, including key topics, learning outcomes, and how the training will equip you with the essential skills needed for a successful career in this industry.

Campus Available

Adelaide Level 1, 142 North Terrace SA 5000 Melbourne Suite 4.16-4.17, 343 Little Collins St, VIC 3000

Employment outcomes

This qualification provides a potential pathway for employment as any of the following: Civil Engineering Construction Supervisor, Draftsperson, Design Draftsperson, Technician Senior Civil Works Designer. ABCI does not guarantee employment outcomes.

Addition Requirements

Applicants must have Basic computer and MS Office skills, and access to the internet.

Entry Requirements

Age: 18 years old, minimum. 12 Year qualification or equivalent. A valid and current Study Visa Language Level: IELTS score of 6 or, PTE score of 50 or, Certificate III in EAL or ABCI's English Level Test

Assessments & Attendance

International students are required to study 20 hours per week. This course is delivered face to face. Assessment methods include: Written answers, Case studies, Projects, Work placement, Practical sessions.

RPL and Credit Transfer

ABCI accepts AQF qualifications from other Registered Training Organisations. erification of authenticity may be required. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is granted upon successful assessment, in line with ABCI policy. Approved RPL may result in course credits and adjusted duration.

Course Structure

Unit codeUnit nameCore/elective
BSBPMG632Manage program riskCore
BSBTWK502Manage team effectivenessCore
BSBWHS616Apply safe design principles to control WHS risksCore
RIICWD601EManage civil works design processesCore
RIIQUA601EEstablish and maintain a quality systemCore
BSBSTR601Manage innovation and continuous improvementElective
BSBOPS601Develop and implement business plansElective
RIICWD526EPrepare detailed traffic analysisElective
RIICWD512EPrepare detailed design of motorways and interchangesElective
RIILAT402EProvide leadership in the supervision of diverse work teamsElective
BSBPMG530Manage project scopeCore
MEM30031Operate computer-aided design (CAD) systems to produce basic drawing elementsElective


Packaging Rules

To attain the qualification RII60520 Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design, 12 units of competency must be completed.

Total Number of Units12
Number of Core Units5
Number of Elective Units7

ABCI has selected the elective units that are most appropriate to meet industry requirements. The selection of electives has been made in consideration with the complexity of skill appropriate to the AQF level of this qualification. 

Work placement requirements

This qualification provides a potential pathway for employment as any of the following:

  • Civil Engineering Construction Supervisor
  • Civil Engineering Draftsperson
  • Civil Engineering Design Draftsperson
  • Civil Engineering Technician
  • Senior Civil Works Designer

ABCI does not guarantee employment outcomes for students studying this qualification. 

Education pathways

Students may enter this qualification with no prior experience or qualifications.
After satisfactory completion of this qualification, a student may progress to higher education courses.

We Work Hard To Prepare Every Student For Their Professional Life

Units of Competency

Consistent with the qualification packaging rules, the units listed below will be delivered for this qualification. The code and title of each unit are provided as well as an indication of core, elective (Elec), prerequisite (Pre)/co-requisite (Co) and licensing requirements (Lic).